Cool drinking game as a type of relaxation - Funday Monday

Cool drinking game as a type of relaxation

Modern life goes at a frantic pace. People work a lot, they are always busy and have no time for any relaxation. However, even when they finally come together with their friends and start to drink, a company gets bored soon, because every member is too tired to invent any entertainments. But it’s much easier, when there is a funny card game and you have just to learn the rules and participate in it. Especially if it is an alcohol drinking game. There are hundreds of them, but the most exiting is ‘Brave or Drunk’.

Cards and courage

Brave or Drunk’ can save every dull party and make even the simplest evening full of the funniest memories. What do you have to do for it? Well, just take this group drinking game for adults, drinks and start. You do not even need to find a table, because ‘Brave or Drunk’ consists of 220 cards only. The rules could not be any easier: you take a card and do the task, which is written on it. They are not those old-world tasks, but the cards, which are full of 166 craziest dares, ridiculous pranks and absurd situations. So only the brave one can complete every task and not to give up. And of course, to spend amazing time with your friends and to create the funniest stories, all players have to be reckless enough. Do not forget that there are 4 levels of difficulty, and each of them is crazier than another one. By the way, the higher level you choose, the more points you get. They are necessary in the end of the game to identify the winner. Nevertheless, all people need to have a rest even during playing the best drinking game, so if you understand, that you cannot continue anymore and you don’t want to lose, you can use one of ‘Time to Take a Break’ cards. Due to them, players can get such tasks as ‘to go to the toilet’ or ‘to choose the person, who will perform the task instead of you’ and so on. The benefit of ‘Brave or Drunk’ is that you can change the rules, add something or even invent different punishments for unexecuted tasks.

Winner’s award

Participation is well, but what about the prize? As it was already mentioned, a winner is a person with the largest amount of points, which he or she gets for completed tasks. And Funday Monday, the creators of ‘Brave or Drunk’, offer to give all drinks for free to the one, who was the bravest. However, rules are made to be broken, so you can create your own prize, which will make the game even more creative.

Drink to communicate

Funday Monday expends plenty of efforts to create ‘Brave or Drunk’ and to make it unique and alternative one. Moreover, the aim of this crazy card game does not consist in getting drunk, but first in communication to each other, making unforgettable memories together and having fun not only during the party, but also after it. Because only due to communication we get to know each other and live life to the full. Therefore, to make sure in it, you can see reviews of a fair amount of satisfied clients. Do not waste your time and become one of them.
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